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  • Lots of good information in your blog. However, I do find some of the sentences a little long and drawn out and therefore hard to understand. Your diagrams are great and are a very good way of explaining things. I wasn’t really sure what you were trying to say with the flow diagram above your title?

  • I like the way you structure the title of your blog, it was very interesting. I think you should have some text near your images explaining the information you want the audience to gain form looking at it. I think you should have a colour background to have a more ‘blog like’ look.

  • Good work!
    Seems like you’ve got most things covered, it just seems that more points could be broken down further so make it easier to understand for the average reader. As well, I think that the layout could be improved a bit more rather than having it all be linear with the images.
    I find it great actually that you included a video link in your blog as it’s something very logical. Overall, you did great!

  • Good effort so far, Hassibe. There’s a lot of promise so far between the information and layout. I’d recommend defining and/or explaining what teratogen actually is. On a similar note, your post could benefit from using less jargon, and supplying more explanations for scientific terms.

    I’ve noticed you’ve included just an image in some sections. Some accompanying written text would be great.

    You piqued my curiosity with the line:

    “It’s important to keep in mind that certain organs develop at different times, therefore the teratogen will have varying effect on the development depending on the time.”

    I think it might be worth delving more into that, perhaps with reference to an image or a ‘fact in a box’ approach.

    Good luck, bud!

  • The blog included some good diagrams however the first sentence would turn away people without a science background as the terms “mutagens” and “carcinogens” aren’t understood by everyone and I think can be rephrased to be more easily understood.
    Under the subheading “How exactly do these teratogens cause harm to the foetus?”, a couple of lines of text to summarise what the diagram is explaining would be beneficial to the reader.
    My advice would be to read through you blog again and when you come across a scientific term not used by the general public, try to define it in a simpler form in your head and replace the word with the definition you came up with.

  • There was lots of good information presented in this blog however your language could be a bit more conversational. Additionally your images take up a lot of space which really limits how much writing you’ve been able to do, maybe make them smaller and provide a bit more information on the subject.

  • Neat work so far Hassibe!
    The video and diagrams are fantastic, but in regard to your content, I feel like some concepts could be simplified just a little more for those with little pharmacology knowledge. Also, maybe breaking down some ideas into subcontents could help your audience understand your work a bit better!

  • Hi Hassibe,

    Lots of good information in your blog. However, I do find some of the sentences a little long and drawn out and therefore hard to understand. Your diagrams are great and are a very good way of explaining things. I wasn’t really sure what you were trying to say with the flow diagram above your title?

  • The layout, formatting and use of diagrams and videos is very, very good.

    A few quick notes to consider for improvement:
    • The first sentence assumes the reader already knows what mutagens and carcinogens are, consider expanding on the terms or using hyperlinks
    • Rephrase last sentence in first paragraph
    • The second paragraph is much too ‘science-ish’
    • Get rid of terms such as ‘congenital malformation’, or explain them properly. It appears you have just copy and pasted it in without showing understanding of the terms
    • The diagram on how teratogens cause harm needs to be explained. Also, teratogens do not cause harm via radiation (apart from radiation teratogens). For example, do cigarettes emit radiation? If not, how do they cause harm to the foetus?

  • Great blog so far Hassibe! Although you’ve asked the question ‘What are teratogens?’ I still don’t exactly understand what they are based off your explanation. I think you could possibly state what it is exactly, particularly as it is a blog for someone who has little knowledge about pharmacology.

    The use of the diagram which summarises the classes of teratogens is great and easy to understand. I think you can also elaborate on the effects of teratogens in the stage of development e.g. at what time is the foetus more vulnerable etc.

    I’m not sure if it’s just my computer, but your blog was very skewed to the left so before the final submission just ensure it’s adjusted and in PDF format!

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