
(Visited 68 times, 1 visits today)
  • Hi Kevin,
    Overall, well done, however needs more detail on required information such as classification of snakes (not just one example) – more space can be achieved by removing venomous/ poisonous section as this is not relevant to topic. Many points in the first paragraph not referenced. Every sentence with info that’s not your own needs a reference.
    Section on Clinical Features of Snake envenoming is also not clear, diagram is illegible.
    Currently it’s also very factual, try and make it more engaging.

  • Fantastic blog title, Kevin. The statistic to introduce the topic is excellent and allows a flow on effect to the information provided. The figures you have used are an insightful way of conveying the messages noted in the information and your example of a classification of snakes by using the brown snake is excellent. An extremely high quality post if ever I’ve seen one. Well done!

  • Hi Kevin,
    Ready good eye-catching title, along with pictures that grab the readers attention! You have great statistics, and write in a conversational tone, which make it very easy to read and follow. The box of the brown snake breaks up the information nicely, and I like your colour scheme. Good blog overall!

  • Hi Kevin,
    The overall layout of your blog is great! The title is fantastic – it immediately captivates the reader for sure! I think it’s great that you incorporated statistics, as that further drew me in to your blog as I found that significant and interesting! Great use of images and diagrams throughout your blog – reverberates your topic efficiently! You’ve used conversational English, and that’s great! Although, maybe rephrase some sentences, as it has a tendency to not make sense. The overall colour scheme could be revised too – it is slightly dull, but it isn’t too huge of an issue, it’s still great! Consider this critique and I’m sure you’ll achieve a great mark!
    Overall, great job!

  • Great structure for you blog Kevin!

    It’s got a great layout which makes it very easy to read and not feel overwhelming. Some sentences could be revised as it seems like the structure is a bit odd and makes for pauses. Your use of colloquial language to keep the reader engage was well done and didn’t seem awkward at all.
    I think it’d be best if you also try to feature the use of more journal articles but there’s nothing wrong with your mix of sources.
    Overall, well done.

  • Hi Kevin,

    Great blog. I really like how you set the tone and purpose of your blog by adding “all snakes are poisonous – a false Australian view’, really drew me in to read the bog. The content was super insightful but it would have been really interesting to know the types of anti venoms available. Also, the photo you put up illustrating the clinical symptoms might be a bit advanced for non-science background readers. Instead, I would suggest maybe putting real life photos/figures of the symptoms making it more visual for the readers (similar to the photo you put describing the difference between poisonous vs venomous). Overall, great effort!

  • Hi Kevin,

    I would like to commend you for being very mindful of your target audience of a general science reader in mind as some still struggle to do. This is clearly shown through your clever use of heading to really capture their attention beyond than just stating your topic. Or through your use of simplified language to cater to your audience. I like your use of diagrams and appropriate images to break-up the bodies of text whilst reinforcing the concepts spoken. Please be weary of your grammar and syntax as it can affect the quality of your work e.g. “the classification system for snakes have and is…”. As a suggestion, replace it with “The pursuit to classify snakes with the current classification system remains dynamic and ever-changing”.

    With regards to presentation, may I suggest experimenting with varying tones of green as there is a lot of white space (mind you it is very much appropriate colour for your topic). Possibly try green-filled text boxes with white text to provide contrast between concepts/topics.

    Overall, great work Kevin. Can’t wait for this to come to fruition. Best of luck!

  • hi Kevin,
    I really enjoyed your diagrams (especially the first one),they help explain the concept effectively. However, there are some spelling mistakes and the blog was hard to follow in some instances. This maybe the consequence of a lot of factual information presented without some kind of explanation behind it. This can fixed by elaborating more on the facts and then referring to your diagrams to visually assist with complex concepts. Apart from that, the blog is nicely set out and I wish best of luck with the final draft.

  • I really enjoyed your blog! It was easy to understand and made more enjoyable to read through the use of pictures and a good layout. Well done.

  • Well done, this blog is not only easy to understand but includes relevant diagrams relating to the topics in your sub headings. The only advice I can offer is to rephrase some sentences that do not flow easily to the reader by reading it out-loud to yourself and making adjustments such as;
    “In Australia the biggest problem
    is the brown snake species that
    makes up 17 deaths as well as
    severe complications”
    Could be rephrased to something such as “The biggest problem snake in Australia is the brown snake whose species is responsible for seventeen deaths per year and causes severe medical complications such as…”
    Apart from minor adjustments to the language the blog is great!

  • An enjoyable read throughout giving nice amount of information that is short and simple to understand combine with great use of images. Great work.

  • I really enjoyed your blog, the heading is really catchy and the information you have is good and supported well with the use of images and diagrams. Good Job

  • Great blog! I really liked all of the pictures, it made it very easy to read. Great information and written in a conversational tone to make it easy to understand although I think some sentences could be shortened to make it flow a little easier. I really liked the diagram selected to demonstrate the difference between venomous and poisonous. While there are lots of pictures, you could consider making the boxes around the information different colours to make it more exciting! Looks great and reads well 🙂

  • Hi Kevin,

    I like how you gave a general info and then went into the specifics of venoms and poisons. From there, it catches the readers’ eyes and keeps you engaged. It looks great so far.
    I would recommend adding more colour to the background, if that was possible.

    Great work!

  • Hi Kevin,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog, it was really easy to understand and I think provided heaps of background knowledge to help me as a reader grasp the relevant scientific aspects. Some of the sentences are a bit long though, so you might want to consider rephrasing or splitting these up, but otherwise it was a great article.

  • Hi Kevin, great blog! The title and following quote are funny and witty, very engaging. Small spelling mistakes and grammar issues should be checked. Some sentences are phrased poorly. A proofread should fix all of this up.

  • I liked the title- very catchy and clever. Something else I noticed is that your references are not in alphabetical order- maybe fix that up before you submit the final copy.
    Very informative and easy to understand!

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