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  • Hymenoptera stings, including those from bees, wasps, yellowjackets, hornets, and ants, can cause reactions ranging from mild local irritation to severe allergic responses like anaphylaxis. Always seek medical attention if you experience severe symptoms.

  • Thanks for sharing such great information, I highly appreciate your hard-working skills as the post you spublished have some great information which is quite beneficial for me, I hope you will post more like that in the future. indigocard

  • Great title, very catchy. Love the layout, but don’t forget that it is supposed to be aimed at a general audience so don’t get too caught up in scientific jargon.

  • I’m a big fan of the layout you have used. It is neat and engaging. You have also done a good job with the classification part. However, I would recommend you should clarify the “proteins involved” part a bit more. A lay person won’t understand what you meant by terms such as “B-lymphocytes, basophils, and IL-4”.

  • Really enjoyed reading this blog !
    1.Great use of colloquial language.
    2.Loved the title, really enticing.
    3.Layout and us of colours was quite smart and related to topic.
    4. Perfect amount of detail, you didn’t overwhelm the reader and its very understandable to someone who doesn’t have a science background.
    Well done !

  • This blog is very clear, straight forward and nicely presented. It is easy to read, and thus meets the mark in catering for a broad audience which includes non-scientists. A very extensive reference list, which reflects how well this is written.

  • Hi Derya,
    Nice blog, well done. Some comments:
    1) maybe layout-wise you can be a bit clearer with how the families are organised. You did a good job of separating Apocrita and Symphyta as two suborders, but then you have Aphidae and Vespidae sections and it seems they they are also more suborders instead of them being families within the Apocrita suborder. Maybe a diagram or linked arrows between boxes would help show the relationship.
    2) remember that if you introduce an acronym like PLA2 you need to then explain what it means to the reader as they would probably not be familiar with this enzyme. Same with BP, i assume you mean blood pressure, but you cant guarantee everyone will know that.
    3) it seems like the last box (orange) should be higher up and near your mast cell diagram.
    4) take the opportunity to break up text by conveying the information visually or though dot points ect. otherwise you can end up with large sections of text that are not easy to read.

  • Well done! I really like your layout especially your division of all the little topics in blocks. In your box “Venom Composition” there you mentioned twice times “bees”, is that right? And I really liked that you created a own diagram/picture but the only thing is, that I would add a subtitle to your picture. Overall very good blog!

  • Very neat presentation, your writing and layout make you want to read the blog. Extremely engaging! And you’ve clearly done your research, there’s an extensive reference list! Great job!

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