
(Visited 58 times, 1 visits today)
  • Hi Yen-Ting,

    The blog looks very nice and put into a nice format. The content is very informative too but maybe extend and add more information onto the 2nd page?

  • Hi Yen-Ting. I liked your blog, i thought it was quiet simple and easy to read, as well as appealing to the audience. I think you can maybe add another example of pharmacogenomic testings and extend your layout to a second page. But other than that, great job

  • Hi Yen-Ting,
    This is a great start to your blog ! there are a lot of relevant and informative information presented. I think your layout and overall presentation is really appealing and eye catching as it incorporates many different diagrams to help explain concepts, and the blue headings make the blog easy to follow along with.

    However, I think you can reword some phrases in the third section of your blog “Examples of a Pharmacogenomics test” as it is a bit complicated and will be hard for people with no science knowledge to understand.

    Good Job and good luck! 🙂

  • Hey Yen-Ting, you’re off to a great start with your blog, there’s some great information in there – including the pun! I like your text boxes to give the reader some short sharp tips about pharmacogenomics, I’d suggest you make them a bit bigger (don’t forget your blog can be two pages plus references). Same suggestion for your images, the text is a little bit on the small side at their current size.

    Your first two sections were very easy to read which was great, but your third section got a bit complicated and had a lot of jargon, I’d consider trying to simplify it as much as possible. It’s also a good idea to use in-text referencing so people can read more about topics they are interested in.

  • This is very good first draft, very informative, however it feels a bit squished on one page, maybe extend to two pages and add a bit more colour?

  • Hey Yen-Ting, I personally feel like your text boxes on the side should be within the margin or that your text should be in line with the outer edges of the boxes. The flow of words you use is fine and I the little pun you have there.

  • Hi Yen-Ting

    This is a very good initial attempt. The layout and use of simple colours is very effective in conveying the coloquial – blog style. The text boxes on the side also are very informative and easy to read. I think you are on the right track.

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