
(Visited 31 times, 1 visits today)
  • Hi Anne,

    The colour and the layout looks great. The information is written well and easy to understand. Some points are a little too vague though.

  • Really well explained in lay terms. Id suggest a few more images to keep it interesting. Although not sure if the list is the best way to explain reducing risk of toxicity, some steps do not seem related enough to the content to be included.

  • Hi Anne,
    Great start! Here are my pointers:
    – Current title shift up (to be above pill – as it’s difficult to see), or increase transparency of image.
    – Remember to cite (I know this is coming)
    – Refer to your figures
    – proof read “can be calculated by dividing the number to people who have ” should say “of people and “This means when a quantity of a drug is given to a population, 50% of them will die” is too vague and leads to an incorrect statement, it needs to say “LD50 is the concentration of a drug which results in….”
    – No need to explain the Miller and Tainter method, the audience is lay they wouldn’t know what you’re on about
    – try and improve flow between sections

  • Sorry, that Anonymous comment was mine!

  • First of all, great layout and colour scheme. Your style of writing is very simple to follow. However, I do think you may engage the reader more with some quizzes interesting facts.

  • Great work! I really like the layout and the colour of the background. It makes it easy to read.

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