
(Visited 30 times, 1 visits today)
  • Majority of the time easy to understand, in-text reference is sufficient and i like how you nicely presented the 4 families of venomous snakes and have pictures to refer on the right. Great use of table on page 2 explaining the main components in elapid venom. the only thing i would change is your table on page 2 should label table 1. on top. Solid effort.

  • Hi Elizabeth! great job on your blog! the set up and lay out is very well done and as well as the colour scheme and images being very eye catching. It was very informative and nicely presented with good spacing and font. The info was a little bit more on the sciency side for a blog, but other than that, love it! Great work!

  • Great use of pictures and diagrams, and your information is easy to read as it is not bunched up into heaps of text!

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