Ann Wilson

Latest articles

What’s your alternative assessment?

By Ann Wilson,

Discover a growing collection of reimagined assessments curated by Dr Eliana Koury.

Learning & Teaching Forum preview: student feedback literacy

By Ann Wilson,

In the lead-up to the Learning and Teaching Forum, Ann Wilson and Marty van de Weyer summarise feedback literacy for students.

The Listening Learner, Part 2: podcasts for professional development

By Ann Wilson,

Just getting into Higher Ed podcasts for professional development? Have a listen to these curated suggestions from Australia and around the world.

Understanding the unfamiliar: why your students aren’t doing their required readings

By Ann Wilson,

Do your students complete and understand the readings you give them, and are you happy with the way they use them?

Let’s call this ‘feed forward’

By Ann Wilson,

How do you launch assessment, and what do you need to communicate to set your students up for success?

Build connections and confidence: Teaching for learning.futures

By Ann Wilson,

Designed for UTS academics, this program helps you develop the knowledge and capability to teach subjects aligned with learning.futures

The perfect blend: how UTS academics delivered blended learning in 2020

By Ann Wilson,

In this 'Before and After' piece, we find out how the unpredictable events of 2020 impacted on academics teaching in blended learning mode.

Moving practicals online: tales from the trenches

By Ann Wilson,

In a recent webinar, two science teachers shared their experiences of moving practical labs online.

Tooltime taster: Select the right tool with the Padagogy Wheel

By Ann Wilson,

Which tool or app should you use for what purpose? Let this wheel of fortune steer you in the right direction.

How do you make your online discussions more engaging?

By Ann Wilson,

Discussions are a great way of sharing understanding and building and constructing knowledge. But how does this work in the online environment?

Showing 11-20 of 24