Breaking disciplinary barriers to future-proof forensic professionals
Scott Chadwick shares how a team from the Centre for Forensic Science re-designed learning to focus on future forensic careers.
Scott Chadwick shares how a team from the Centre for Forensic Science re-designed learning to focus on future forensic careers.
Christina Brauer shows how resources can be sustainable in multiple ways with this 'recycled' collection of lesson plans.
A teacher, subject coordinator and student share perspectives on a capstone subject in the UTS Master of Education.
Re-visit 4 fabulous learning design events with presenters and panels on pace, time, learning analytics, and pathways to leadership.
Review highlights from a recent Learning Design Meetup exploring diverse pathways to leadership for learning design professionals.
Mais Fatayer investigates current perspectives on leadership in learning design before an upcoming Learning Design Meetup panel session.
In learning and teaching, should we be setting a brisk pace or slowing things down? Perhaps there's space for both...
Are you a pedagogical pace-setter, or leisurely learning guide? Enjoy 5 takes on time from our pecha kucha presenters.
Can we take back control of time and pace in learning design? Join the next Learning Design Meetup to find out!
How can we better capture human learning in digital spaces? See ideas in action from the Learning Design Meetup.