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Agonist/Antagonist Draft

By Nastassia Ngo,



By Vincent,


volume of distribution

By Elias Hanania,


CYP450 Draft Article (incomplete)

By Aydan Zebib,

CYP450 Enzymes I have placed a few questions I had about specific section, regarding what else I should add, etc. Any advice would be appreciated :))

Kinase Linked Receptors – Andrew Zoghbi

By Andrew Zoghbi,

Kinase Linked Receptors  – The Cellular Restaurant McDonalds. A multi-million dollar franchise known for its tasty food, cheap prices and its organised systemic procedure that it uses to deliver food. Interestingly your cell works the same way, particularly with Kinase linked Receptors (KLR)  . KLRs are enzyme linked receptors...

The drug flow and its distribution in the human body

By Rojina Adhikari,

Volume of distribution: To understand how the drug distributes in our body, there is an important factor that comes into play. This factor measures the intake of drugs to the drug concentration in the plasma fluid. It is termed as volume of distribution (Vd). It depends on the  various...

Pharmacogenomics blog

By Leana Zhang,

pharmacology blog draft

Agonists and Antagonists

By Andrew Nguyen,

The Villian that helps our bodies? Agonists and Antagonists (Rough Draft) When we refer to antagonists and agonists, no, we are not talking about movie villains trying to eradicate half of the universe’s population, instead we are talking about drugs that interact with our body receptors. Agonist and Antagonists;...

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