• Tuesday, 17 April 2018
    12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  • LX.lab CB06.04.020

This workshop will focus on promoting wellbeing and optimal work-life balance at times when staff are feeling stressed due to high work demands. The aim will be to provide practical tools to manage stress while remaining productive and efficient. We will promote proactive use of coaching services through EAP to achieve these aims while maintaining a good work-life balance. The components of this training could include the following elements:

  • Definition of stress and stressors
  • Contributing factors to stress
  • Identifying stress – what to look for in yourself and others
  • Managing stress and implementing coping strategies
  • How to work smarter not harder – time, priority and energy management
  • Resilience, definition and importance
  • Building resilience to combat stress
  • Strategies to promote work-life balance and optimal wellbeing
  • Understanding Early Warning Signs and own signals that stress is becoming distress
  • Identify and implement strategies for building resilience

Reminder of EAP and MAP and how these can be used to build the above skills.


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