• Wednesday, 26 September 2018
    2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
  • LX.lab CB06.04.020

Always had an interest in video, but didn’t know where to start?

With so many different types of video streaming platforms available nowadays, the LX.lab, in collaboration with ITD, think that it’s about time we have a look at the array of useful tools at our fingertips .If you’d like to find out more about what each video streaming platform can offer you, join us in the LX.lab to find your perfect video streaming platform match. Passionate staff members around UTS will take on the persona of one of four video streaming platforms; Kaltura, YouTube, Vimeo and Stream, to answer your questions and convince you that they are the perfect match for you.

Our four video bachelors and bachelorettes will remain anonymous throughout the entire session, with their identity only to be revealed at the end once you, the audience have selected your perfect match.

Please submit your questions for our video ambassadors using the booking form below, and join us to find out who your perfect match is on the day.

Stay tuned on Futures for more information about each one of these video streaming platforms.

Register for this event

Your video, audio and the meeting chat transcript may be recorded or photographed. Please advise the facilitator if you do not wish to be recorded or photographed.

Bookings are closed for this event.