• Thursday, 24 August 2023
    4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
  • LX.lab CB06.04.020

This event has been cancelled. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Real-time captioning or translation helps those with auditory impacts follow conversations more easily. Voice recognition software, like Google Assistant or Google Voice Access, helps those with mobility impacts live more independently. Image recognition software helps those with vision loss perceive images. ChatGPT helps those with cognitive impacts to retrieve information or as a memory aid. These AI-powered software facilitate inclusion and access in an increasingly digital world.

However, the increased focus on generative AI in our sector means that we are also considering issues of academic integrity. How do we balance academic integrity and inclusivity in our approach to generative AI in our sector?


  • Darren Britten, National Assistive Technology Project Officer, ADCET
  • Dhara Sheth, Accessibility Consultant, UTS
  • Samuel Yu, LX.lab Academic-in-Residence (2022), UTS
  • Kate Mitchell, Senior Learning Designer, UNE