Cloning a Canvas AI-invigilated exam can help academics customise the ProctorU settings for an individual student. This ensures that all students have equitable access during their exam, improving the overall experience and ensuring academic integrity while still maintaining equity.
Some examples of why a student might need customised ProctorU settings for a cloned exam include:
Assistive technology accessibility requirement – a student has an approved exam provision to use assistive technology during the exam, which requires customised ProctorU settings to the original exam to allow the assistive technology to work
Split exam accessibility requirement – a student has an approved exam provision where they need to sit the exam in multiple sittings
Exams taken on-campus – a student doesn’t consent to AI invigilation or may have other exam provisions where they will be invigilated by a person on campus (the AI invigilation settings would need to be switched off for those students)
How to clone an exam
Do not duplicate the exam by using the ‘Copy to’ option as it will override the original exam. The cloning of a Canvas AI-invigilated/ProctorU exam needs to be done following very specific steps or there is a risk of jeopardising the exam for other students.
When importing the exam, do not select the ‘Overwrite Assessment’ checkbox as it will overwrite the IDs and cause issues.
Importing the same course content more than once will also overwrite any existing content in the course.
Move the quiz into the same assignment group as the main exam
Add the following names at the end of the quiz name to differentiate each exam: ‘– Exam Provision’ for exam provisions ‘– On Campus’ for on campus exams ‘– Exam Provision A’ and ‘– Exam Provision B’ for split exams
Assign the quiz to the individual student at the specific time that they will be taking the exam (information will be emailed to you from the Exams team).
Add any approved additional time that the student might have (if it’s only one student who requires the cloned exam, change the time on the exam rather than using moderate. If there are multiple students with different time provisions use moderate).
Check that the other settings are correct.
Re-link any question banks, which are not linked automatically when importing the exam.
If the exam is being cloned for accessibility reasons, excuse the student from the main exam (this will hide the main exam from the student). If the exam is being cloned for students who did not consent to ProctorU, skip this step.
Triple check that the quiz is only assigned to the required student
When assigning students to a cloned exam make sure to triple check that the quiz/exam is assigned to the specific student. Sometimes Canvas assigns everyone to the cloned exam which would lead to students undertaking exams with a decreased or absent level of proctoring.
On-campus exam settings
If a student needs to sit an exam on campus:
Clone the exam following the instructions above and rename it to ‘<exam name> – On Campus’
Do not turn on ProctorU
Assign the exam to the correct student
Custom assistive technology settings
If a student needs custom assistive technology settings:
Clone the exam following the instructions above and rename it to ‘<exam name> – Exam Provision’
Toggle ProctorU on
Assign the exam to the correct student
Navigate to the ProctorU settings tab
Allow the following under Custom:
Browser tabs – Allowed
Allow copy text and image – Allowed
Window sized allowed – Resized
Application lost focus – Allowed
Customised ProctorU settings.
Assistive technology settings and compatibility
In the ProctorU settings, set the ‘application lost focus’ setting to ‘allowed’ as the student will be using different software etc. ProctorU is still otherwise invigilating the exam. Double check that only your student is assigned to this so that the rest of the students don’t have lower invigilation settings.
Split exams
The Accessibility Consultant will consult with the student and the Subject Coordinator to determine the best way to split the exam. To create the split exam:
Import the exam twice using the steps above.
Rename the two exams as ‘– Exam Provision A’ and ‘– Exam Provision B’ for split exams.
From Exam Provision A, delete the questions that will not be included.
From Exam Provision B, delete the question that will not be included.
Assign to the student, with the times for each split. Check that the marks for both Part A and Part B match the main exam.
Compatibility with ProctorU
exam provision
Application-based assistive technology e.g. Casio Calculator, Jaws, NVDA, ZoomText
Compatible with custom settings
Extension-based assistive technology e.g. Grammarly, Dragon, Read&Write. (Note: Dragon and Read&Write both have applications however their features are severely limited without the extension)
Grammarly: The browser extension is not compatible with AI exams. Grammarly can only open in a browser tab when using the Proctor. Dragon & Read&Write: Limited features so recommended being on campus or conducting practice exam.
Native accessibility features e.g. zooming, inverting colours, Spoken Content, VoiceOver
Website-based assistive technology e.g. Glean, Grammarly (if used via the Grammarly website)