• Wednesday, 25 September 2019
    11:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • CB02.05.150
  • Win a PAID 2 week internship!

Are you keen to study over summer, but aren’t sure what to expect? Have you studied in summer session previously and wish there were more things on offer and a bigger buzz around campus? If this is resonating with you, we want to hear from you!

This September, UTS is running a ‘Design Summer at UTS’ hackathon to address the wicked problem of how to create an awesome experience for students studying over summer. Using an interactive, design-thinking approach, we’ll be taking feedback students have previously given and co-creating solutions to improve the overall UTS summer experience. Ideas will be pitched at the end of the session; students who have the most popular idea will win a PAID two week internship at UTS to help bring their idea to life!

Registrations are open to the first 300 students, so book in today.

This event will give students the opportunity to connect with the following mentors from UTS Startups:

Benjamin Kennedy- Gecko- Gecko is a peer-to-peer marketplace for millennials to rent out their under-utilised items in order to help make and save extra cash.

Surithi Yogalingam- Arula-  Innovating the medical industry by introducing seamless, life-like and sustainable prosthetics and musculature.

Vanouhi Nazarian- Kindershare- Connecting owners and renters of children’s equipment. We provide families with an easy way to find and share children’s equipment like cots, prams and car seats. We also help families monetise baby gear they are holding onto while they are in between children.

Allya Syahrudi- IBAwesome- A 12-week program which aims to help young IBS individuals better manage their lifestyle changes by educating them about their condition.

Brendon Pomeroy- Waivel- Waivel is a B2B service that allows tour operators to collect marketing data during the client sign in process.

Register for this event

Your video, audio and the meeting chat transcript may be recorded or photographed. Please advise the facilitator if you do not wish to be recorded or photographed.

To register your attendance, please

Enhancing Teaching@UTS Program | 7 March – 4 April 2025

  • Friday, 07 March, 2025
    12:30 pm-2:00 pm
  • UTS

PEPN Meetup #1 2025 | 27 February

  • Thursday, 27 February, 2025
    1:30 pm-3:00 pm
  • UTS