- Thursday, 17 November 2016
10:30 am - 12:00 pm - Building 1, Level 27, Room 14
Get up to speed with blogging, and learn some cheats for how to engage your audience!
At the end of this workshop, you sould be able to:
- Be familiar with the place and usage of blogs in the current academic/University context
- Identify the distinguishing features of a blog compared with other websites
- Understand the basic principles of blog writing style, and use these to create a post on your chosen topic
- Embed images and multimedia content in a post
- Employ some simple techniques to increase readership, including tagging, SEO analysis and social media
- Be able to update your WordPress author profile
This is a hands-on session so please bring your laptop and tablet. You will also be asked to complete about 20 minutes of pre-work.
Register for this event
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