• Wednesday, 15 February 2017
    10:30 am - 1:30 pm
  • CB06.04.037

Facilitators: Dr Christine Slade & A/Prof Susan Rowland

Contract cheating website services are a serious threat to academic integrity in universities because they challenge the authenticity of student authorship in assessment. Current plagiarism detection strategies do not catch contract cheating students because their purchased assessment responses are individualised and users’ details are hidden behind sophisticated fire walls. In response we need to ensure that students genuinely complete work for which they get university credit.

In this workshop we aim to bring together the creative minds of academics, learning designers and others’ experienced in assessment design to work on practical ways to strengthen the verification of student identity in undertaking high stake assessment tasks other than exams.

How to register

Numbers are limited and registrations are required.
To register, email Enza.Mirabella@uts.edu.au, or phone 02 9514 1669
As lunch will be provided, please advise any dietary requirements

This workshop is supported by the Asia Pacific Forum on Educational Integrity (APFEI)

About the Facilitators

Christine is a lecturer in higher education in the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) at the University of Queensland, where she specialises in assessment. Previously, Christine led the university-wide implementation of ePortfolios at the University of the Sunshine Coast, for which she received a national Platinum LearnX Impact Award and was commended in the ATEM/Campus Review Best Practice Awards. Her learning and teaching research interests include innovative pedagogies, application of assessment principles, experiential learning, digital literacy and academic practice.
Susan is the Deputy Director of the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) at the University of Queensland and is seconded from the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences. Susan has been a UQ Teaching Fellow and won multiple awards for her teaching including an Australian Award for University Teaching (2014) and the 2014 Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Beckman Coulter Award for Teaching Excellence. Her teaching and learning research interests focus on the development of student professionalism through immersion in authentic scientific practice.