Academic in Residence
The LX.lab Academic in Residence Program (AiR) connects a UTS academic with the LX.lab for a period of six months. The AiR and the LX.lab team will work collaboratively on a project with the broad aims of communicating and disseminating learning and teaching outcomes to the academic community, developing communities of practice at UTS, and providing development opportunities to other UTS academics.
Previous projects
TD Elective accessible practices project
In 2022, we worked with Samuel Yu to support inclusive and accessible design during the development of a new elective for TD school.
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship Honours degree project
In late 2018, the LX.lab worked with Jochen Schweitzer, Maya Marcus, Martin Bliemel and Julien Marchand to develop the Honours degree for the Bachelor of Entrepreneurship.
Developing resources for students learning about ‘place’
In early 2018 the LX.lab worked with Associate Professor Ilaria Vanni Accarigi to design a system where students can go to find resources and inspiration when they have to do assignments that require an engagement with place.