• Tuesday, 22 November 2022
    2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  • Zoom – further details provided upon registration

About the Event

We know that the past three years of change has disrupted our ways of living, working and studying. We see evidence of higher attrition, disengagement and more anxiety around connecting with others. The QILT data shows students’ health and stress as the most significant indicator of their intention to leave university. Adding to this stress is the new Government policy that removes student access to HECS if they fail 50% of their annual load. This disadvantages students who take longer to learn in this new environment, while challenged to complete a full student load (full time load is requirement of government financial support) 

As we transition from f2f to online to hybrid ways of working, there is a greater need now to attend to how students are experiencing stress and overwhelm as the attempt to complete their degrees. Over the past few years, we have drawn attention to ideas of belonging, care and compassionate teaching practices. In this online forum, we return to the foundations of building capability, confidence and connection.  

We will hear from Dr Yvonne Davila, who will share how she has designed and delivers her first-year core subject, Scientific Perspectives on Global Issues, to engage students in cooperative learning as they take a reflexive journey into how to think, read, research and communicate as a scientist engaged in a deepening understanding of local and global issues. Jessica Freeman, a tutor in DAB, will reflect on her practice in a first-year design subject that is taught online, and share her evidence and reflections on the ways she promotes collaboration, interaction and engagement. We will hear from Peers in Pracs (Science), later year students who provide social scaffolding and the ways to build connection and confidence so important in first-year classes. 

You will also have opportunities for networking and sharing your own practice with your peers.  

Please join Kathy Egea and Alisa Percy for this final online FFYE forum. Academics, Professional staff and students are very welcome to join. 

What is the UTS FFYE Program?

The UTS FFYE (First and Further Year Experience) Program is an institutional wide program, designed to support the successful transition of students in their journey through their degrees and into the workplace. The program has three foci: curriculum, people and the university infrastructure, drawing from community and connection in collaboration with academic and professional staff.

One key element of the program is community building. FFYE Forums (regular meetings) and FFYE community (MSTeams) provide spaces for sharing, learning and ongoing collaborations connecting research, practice and student experience. Contact Kathy Egea (FFYE coordinator) to join.

This event is facilitated by the Institute for Interactive Media and Learning (IML) Teaching and Curriculum Team (TACT).
Dr Kathy Egea, Senior Lecturer, UTS First and Further Year Experience (FFYE) Coordinator, TACT
Dr Alisa Percy, Senior Lecturer, TACT
Join the ‘FFYE Community’ MS Teams. You’ll be able to stay connected, view shared resources, favourite papers, blogs and website links. You can leave the MS team space at anytime or email IML_Ops@uts.edu.au to opt out.

Register for this event

Your video, audio and the meeting chat transcript may be recorded or photographed. Please advise the facilitator if you do not wish to be recorded or photographed.

This event is fully booked. If you have any questions about our events, please send us an email.

Say My Name: The Humanity of Names | 5 June

  • Wednesday, 05 June, 2024
    6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • 123 Broadway