• Tuesday, 27 February 2024
    1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
  • Zoom – further details provided upon registration



Who should attend this session?

Teaching staff wanting to learn basic video editing skills and/or use the LX.lab Editing suite.

Professional staff are welcome to attend.

What will you learn?

iMovie is a simple, easy-to-use video editing program available on Mac computers.

In this 1 hour session, we’ll cover a range of fundamental editing skills, including:

  • Importing footage
  • Cutting footage
  • Trimming footage
  • Adding UTS branding to a video
  • Adding titles to your video
  • Exporting a video file

Note: iMovie is free and available on most Macbooks. If you have a Windows device, we recommend our Premiere Pro workshop.

Register for this event

Your video, audio and the meeting chat transcript may be recorded or photographed. Please advise the facilitator if you do not wish to be recorded or photographed.

Bookings are closed for this event.