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Readings re-booted

‘Prepping for class’ may not sound like fun, but for staff and students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, it has become a hilarious success.

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Register now for the 2016 UTS Teaching and Learning Forum

Meet other staff, share ideas and find out about successful teaching and learning initiatives at UTS.

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2017 UTS First Year Experience Grants: Applications Are Open

Coordinators of first year subjects and second year transition subjects taken by students coming from pathways are invited to apply for amounts of up to $4,000 for projects aimed at implementing transition pedagogies in the curriculum. Team applications involving coordinators, teaching teams, tutors, demonstrators and academic support professionals are encouraged.

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Upskill in learning.futures: 23-25 November

Wrap up the year with a chance to upskill in Learning.Futures, Data Science and Research Impact on 23 - 25 November, with the Library's Learn. Teach. Research.

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Up to Speed with Blogging: IML Workshop

  • Thursday, 17 November, 2016
    10:30 am-12:00 pm
  • UTS

Blogging is in Higher Ed’s blood

Don't believe those who will tell you that blogs are dead, dying, or even 'reanimated' as content marketing, 'brand story-telling' zombies.  Our sector has embraced blogs to the extent that they are now in Higher Ed's blood.

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The best things in life are free images

Searching for high quality images to use in teaching and learning, free from copyright, licensing or cheesiness issues?

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Join UTS postgraduate.futures as an Academic Development Coordinator

The UTS Postgraduate.futures team is now recruiting for a stimulating and varied role supporting academic development.

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‘The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on.’ Oscar Wilde

Have you ever had a frozen moment in front of the camera?

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