- Wednesday, 15 November 2017
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm - LX.lab CB06.04.020
Peer instruction with Learning Catalytics
Do you want your students to solve problems and learn from each other? Come to a hands on demo of Learning Catalytics – a team based learning platform that can be used to engage students and provide formative and summative assessment.
“Learning Catalytics is an interactive student response tool that encourages team-based learning by using students’ smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in interactive tasks and thinking…” – www.pearson.com
Dr Amanda White from the Faculty of Business will share her experience with Learning Catalytics and demonstrate how it works.
Attendees should bring their own mobile device – smartphone, tablet or laptop.
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Run a Tooltime session
Tooltime is a bite-sized event open to all UTS staff. Demo a gadget, tool, app, workflow or approach. Snack on nifty techniques for crafty stuff in learning and teaching. Spread the word!
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Bookings are closed for this event.