Welcome back

If there’s one thing we learned in 2020, it was to expect the unexpected. Rapid change can bring great innovation and challenges that expose new ways of doing things. So when we needed to cater for students restricted from travel and then quickly pulled together to deliver remote teaching, we discovered what worked well – and what didn’t work so well – in an online environment.

This uncertainty carries through to 2021 but so do new opportunities. Campus reactivation is also a reactivation of our world-class collaborative classrooms, plus a chance to rethink how effectively we are using Canvas and delivering blended learning.

Below, we reflect on the many remote teaching innovations at UTS that can be adapted to our current climate, as well as linking you to the latest information and tips on delivering safe, quality classes back on campus. Based on what students told was needed from their experiences last year, there’s also a spotlight on how to build belonging and get interaction happening in your classes so that students feel welcome and engaged, whether they’re present on campus or joining a Zoom session from their bedroom.

Resources, blogs and events will be added and updated regularly so that you will have access to the most relevant information for your needs. Can’t find what you’re after? Contact us and we’ll do what we can to shape this into the toolkit that works best for you.