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Showing 1-10 of 74 for GenAI
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4 things to know about GenAI at UTS

Confused about where to start with AI? Avoid the overwhelm with these four steps.

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What’s up, bot? Exposing the assumptions of your GenAI prompts

Is your chatbot too subservient? Challenge your assumptions and sharpen your questioning with this handy prompt.

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An interactive guide to using GenAI in your assessments

Plot out the potential use of GenAI in your subject with this interactive guide.

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Untangling critical interaction with GenAI

In this framework, levels of critical interaction with GenAI are categorised as deep, shallow or absent.

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Using GenAI for personalised and synchronous study plans

AI-generated study plans can be individualised to reflect different student learning styles.

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Open Education: is GenAI compatible with ‘open’ principles?

The possibilities offered by GenAI and Open Education might seem broadly aligned; look closely, however, and differences begin to surface.

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The risk of ‘designing out’ diverse learners in the age of GenAI

Rethinking assessment in a post-GenAI landscape is also an opportunity to ensure accurate and equitable assessment for all students.

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Validating the future: human expertise in GenAI for higher education curricula

How will human interaction with GenAI shape the future?

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CareerGPT: creating GenAI resources for job-seeking and the workplace

Students are guided on their use of AI in job searching, recruitment and the career space in a suite of resources from UTS Careers.

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