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Showing 131-140 of 142 for "connected intelligence"
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Psssst. Heard about Kaltura?

It’s our new LMS integrated video storage and streaming solution package thingy. In other words, it’s like our own private YouTube. It's also quite a bit more.

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It’s a wrap: VC’s Learning & Teaching Showcase photos and video

A night to celebrate the commitment and innovative work of UTS staff across learning and teaching. Let's take a look at some of the photos from the evening.

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Where are you? New UTS research exploring the physicality of teaching in a learning space

Dr Roberto Martinez-Maldonado is heading up a project that uses analytics to explore the physical location of teachers in the classroom. Corporeal entity Phil Betts went along to his recent demonstration in the LX.Lab, and physically sat at his desk in a shared work space to write this report.

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3 data dates for your diary

Telling stories with data, classroom translucence, automated writing feedback: three datalicious events coming up from the UTS Connected Intelligence Centre at the LX.lab.

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The pros and cons of crowdsourcing ideas

With UTS 2027 strategy well underway, find out how you can best lend your voice and what we as a uni should watch out for.

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