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Showing 101-110 of 1596 for "connected intelligence"
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Responding to sector demands and enabling student success with Transition Pedagogy

Sally Kift lifts the lid on transition pedagogy as a framework to deliver outcomes for the sector and our students.

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3 simple steps for accessible graphs

A new resource collection makes it easier to add text alternatives for complex images.

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How embedding an IGA in Business led to a conference collaboration

A collaboration between Business and the Indigenous Teaching and Learning Team yields IGA implementation and a critical paper.

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Announcing our 2023 Australian Awards for University Teaching citation recipients

We celebrate the achievements of our UTS colleagues who were recognised for their teaching excellence.

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Academic integrity at UTS: a new Canvas tutorial and quiz for students

A new Canvas site guides your students to create something original, credit others and collaborate with care.

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Can social engineering help students stay connected?

Simone Faulkner and James Wakefield share how designing 'connection' into induction sessions has positive impacts on belonging in Business.

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Get the Power(BI) with the new subject dashboard

Understand your students and plan for your subjects with a new-look data-driven dashboard.

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Career-enhancing collaboration: inspiration for a fairer future

Ashley Willcox and Elham Hafiz share impressions and takeaways from some inclusion-focussed career development training.

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Taking a fresh look at technology-enabled learning design

A team of learning designers and subject matter experts tackle digital solutions for the subject 'Practicing Inclusion'.

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Welcome to UTS Open Education Week 2024

Find out what's happening on the first week of March at Open Education Week.

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