Education Portfolio

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Access metadata with Document Details in Turnitin

By Education Portfolio,

A new Document Details feature has been added to the Turnitin Similarity report.

Spread the word: Vertigo wants to hear from UTS students

By Education Portfolio,

Vertigo Magazine is a home for student voices at UTS – help them have their say on how their media can best support them.

4 themes to explore in the Student Experience Framework

By Education Portfolio,

The student journey at UTS is framed by the themes Engagement, Belonging, Wellbeing and Partnerships.

Turn on your captions: for international students

By Education Portfolio,

Roudy Gerges discusses how captions support his learning experiences as an international student.

Turn on your captions: for students with hearing loss

By Education Portfolio,

UTS student Angelique Milojevic on the importance of captions for students with hearing loss.

Turn on your captions for students

By Education Portfolio,

In our new video, two UTS students help to spread the message to turn on your captions.

Not all chronic illnesses are visible

By Education Portfolio,

UTS student Angelique Milojevic discusses the importance of supporting students with non-visible disabilities.

Have your say: reimagining Subject Outlines

By Education Portfolio,

Contribute to the revitalisation of subject outlines as part of the Curriculum Management Modernisation Program.

Fostering open educational practices at UTS

By Education Portfolio,

Ever thought about sharing your own educational creations with other academics? Read on to find out how you can get involved!

5 quick wins for adapting your assessment in the age of AI

By Education Portfolio,

Discuss and demonstrate generative AI with your students, set clear guidances for its inclusion and encourage original writing skills.

Showing 51-60 of 149