

Futures blog

Elevating Indigenous perspectives on Science for a sustainable future

By Yvonne Davila,

Yvonne Davila and Chris Matthews on how students develop respectful communication and engagement with Indigenous communities in Science.

Futures blog

Breaking disciplinary barriers to future-proof forensic professionals

By Scott Chadwick,

Scott Chadwick shares how a team from the Centre for Forensic Science re-designed learning to focus on future forensic careers.

Futures blog

Scientists as leaders addressing global challenges: 3 new learning opportunities

By Willa Huston,

A new set of Science offerings lay down a clear path from lab to leadership.

Futures blog

Piece it together: ‘jigsaw’ learning to support scientific and sustainable thinking

By Yvonne Davila,

Vanessa Crump and Yvonne Davila share how the jigsaw technique unlocks sustainability and critical thinking in a core science subject.

Futures blog

Discovering the real-world ALURE of forensic science research

By Scott Chadwick,

How do you provide an authentic, scalable, industry-connected research experience for large undergraduate cohorts? Forensic Science investigates...

Futures blog

But you can’t learn science online…can you?

By Jennifer Ireland,

How PGLD and Science opened up the online space for practical learning.

Futures blog

Introducing SYNTHESIS: a science-meets-design magazine created by UTS staff and students

By Rhiannon Hall,

A chat with UTS Chancellor's Fellow Dr Andrew Care about the all-new SYNTHESIS magazine.

Futures blog

Beautiful and accessible equations in Canvas

By Phillip Mills,

Are you using equations in your Canvas subject? Find out how LaTeX and MathJax can help create a formula for success.

Futures blog

Spotlight on Science microcredentials

By Ariane Wicks,

A recent collaboration between PGLD and the School of Life Sciences sees four new microcredentials implemented.

Futures blog

A chat with Dr Katherina Petrou, winner of the Vice-Chancellor’s Individual Teaching Award

By Rhiannon Hall,

The winner of the Vice-Chancellor's Award for Individual Teaching shares her thoughts on effective student engagement, student-led learning and more...

Showing 1-10 of 25