Standardised submissions: how will changes to deadlines and extensions impact your Canvas subjects?
Information for Subject Coordinators on what standardised assessment deadlines and late penalties will mean for their Canvas sites.
Information for Subject Coordinators on what standardised assessment deadlines and late penalties will mean for their Canvas sites.
There's no escaping GenAI, so check your students know the do's and dont's for using it in assessment tasks with this table.
Summertime is the time to set yourself up for a successful Autumn session – here's our essential guide to getting started.
The winner of the Individual Teaching Award explains how engaging multiple senses can improve student learning and retention.
Peter Stubbs reflects on student feedback, and how to better connect 'dry and boring' research subjects with clinical practice.
What difference could instant feedback on draft writing make to your students? We investigate an automated feedback tool with a learning design lens.
Yvonne Davila and Chris Matthews on how students develop respectful communication and engagement with Indigenous communities in Science.
Scott Chadwick shares how a team from the Centre for Forensic Science re-designed learning to focus on future forensic careers.
Achievements of the UTS teaching and learning community were on show at a ceremony held on Wednesday 3 April.
An opportunity to embark on your own open textbook journey, with the OER Collective Open Textbooks Grant Program.
Jane Hunter and Don Carter share tips on planning and producing a podcast for a learning and teaching audience.
OERs give us a glimpse of the possibilities when we can share, remix, and re-imagine learning resources in infinite ways.
The journey of creating an open textbook on learning design, as told at Open Education Week.