Spring is coming round again, and subject sites will soon be published and made available to students. Here’s your regular springboard into the teaching session with a list of everything you need to get started.

Main calendar subject sites will be published from 29 July. If your subject is on a different calendar, please check publication dates with your faculty admin.

🛑 REVIEW is no longer available

Due to vendor closure, starting from Spring session, REVIEW will no longer be available. We are reaching out to support Subject Coordinators who have used REVIEW previously for Spring and minor sessions. If your Spring subject uses REVIEW for assessment, you have not yet been contacted and would like support for updating your assessments, please book a consultation with the LX Lab.

🗓️ Before 29 July: get your subject site ready for students

🗓️ 29 July: connect, communicate and offer support 

Kick things off with a welcome announcement to introduce yourself. Make sure students know how you will be communicating with them throughout the session, how they can access support, and expectations regarding academic integrity and use of GenAI.

Ensure no students are enrolled in a staff role in your Canvas subject site. To add co-teachers, tutors and other staff to your Canvas site, follow our People in Canvas guide (note that a new tutor/marker role was added in 2023).

🗓️ 5 August: Week 1

Give students space and support as they navigate your subject for the first time. Consider how you will build belonging and community in your teaching to boost students’ participation and engagement from the first tutorial.

🖼️ Canvas site design inspiration

Did you know that each faculty has a Canvas site full of ready-made professional page layouts, module structures and design elements? These templates and elements are user-friendly and can be one-click copied into your Canvas site. Examples include:

  • suggested layouts for enhanced welcome pages
  • specialised modules for case studies and lab subjects
  • design elements for columns and showing and hiding details
  • faculty-specific banners and colours

Get access to your faculty templates site by signing up here. The site includes guidelines on how to copy and edit the templates. If you would like a private space in Canvas to explore and test site design, you can request a Canvas Sandpit.

👩🏽‍💻 Help and support

Here are some of the key student support resources:

Read our blog post on academic support and services so you know where to go for help this Spring:

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