Co-design: why local government matters
Co-design: what better way to create learning experiences?
Co-design: what better way to create learning experiences?
So you think creativity and metaphor are for poets ... think again, think differently. Take a look at how a new UTS Open course puts poetic theory into practice.
A new UTS Open taster course turns complex problems into design challenges.
A new taster course on UTS Open helps learners explore how data can be used (or misused) to tell stories.
A new taster course helps learners get up close and personal with Facebook data.
Read on for details on how Associate Professor Saba Bebawi and the Postgraduate.futures team transformed the subject International and Transnational Journalism.
How to combine the best of face to face studio and online learning?
What's different about the learner experience approach?
Student engagement and subject improvements aren't easy, but it may be less complicated than you think - just ask the postgraduate.futures team.