Standardised submissions: how will changes to deadlines and extensions impact your Canvas subjects?
Information for Subject Coordinators on what standardised assessment deadlines and late penalties will mean for their Canvas sites.
Information for Subject Coordinators on what standardised assessment deadlines and late penalties will mean for their Canvas sites.
There's no escaping GenAI, so check your students know the do's and dont's for using it in assessment tasks with this table.
Summertime is the time to set yourself up for a successful Autumn session – here's our essential guide to getting started.
Got two minutes? Here’s a quick refresher on formative assessment.
Here are five ways to improve the assessment process for both you and your students...based on the real experiences of five UTS academics.
The Institute for Interactive Media and Learning, UTS is recruiting for two academic positions.
A simple model to help you design teaching that puts your students at the centre of the learning experience.
Want to find out how OnTask can help you? Read on, and come along to the upcoming OnTask workshop...
Real Words is a 3 minute film festival featuring the work English preservice teachers. The short films were produced from 300 word scripts that comprised major assessment components of the unit English Teaching Methods 3 in the Master of Teaching (Secondary) program.
Dates for 1-1 training for any user of Subject Outlines. PLUS a demo of the new function that automatically makes your PDF available in UTSOnline.
Student engagement and subject improvements aren't easy, but it may be less complicated than you think - just ask the postgraduate.futures team.
Feeling concerned about your upcoming Student Feedback Survey (SFS) results? Read on and find out how to keep those worries at bay...
How has learning and teaching changed since my student days?
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