
Futures blog

Enhancing learning with H5P: feedback, accessibility and AI

By Lucian Sutevski,

New innovations in H5P include using 'text mode' to allow AI to help you build interactive content.

Futures blog

A design space for AI writing tools

By Simon Buckingham Shum,

This new paper reveals what it can look like to write with AI tools.

Futures blog

Using GenAI for personalised and synchronous study plans

By Jeremy Lindeck,

AI-generated study plans can be individualised to reflect different student learning styles.

Futures blog

Open Education: is GenAI compatible with ‘open’ principles?

By Lucy Blakemore,

The possibilities offered by GenAI and Open Education might seem broadly aligned; look closely, however, and differences begin to surface.

Futures blog

Assess your assessment for AI compatibility for Spring 2024

By Education Portfolio,

Get on the front foot for Spring session with this guide to our resources on adapting your assessments.

Futures blog

Personifying a coral reef with AI

By David Yeats,

To the Great Barrier Reef and back with our recent AiR collaboration.

Futures blog

Working securely with Microsoft Copilot

By Education Portfolio,

Take a GenAI journey with your new Copilot – but make sure you do so securely.

Futures blog

The risk of ‘designing out’ diverse learners in the age of GenAI

By Timothy Boye,

Rethinking assessment in a post-GenAI landscape is also an opportunity to ensure accurate and equitable assessment for all students.

Futures blog

Co-designing learning outcomes with the UTS-CILObot prototype

By Simon Buckingham Shum,

How can GenAI’s linguistic capability be used to redraft a course’s intended learning outcomes more succinctly?

Showing 21-30 of 70