

Futures blog

Introducing 10 FFYE grants for 2024

By Kathy Egea,

Explore an exciting series of projects that make up this year's round of FFYE grants.

Futures blog

Apply for a 2024 FFYE grant

By Kathy Egea,

FFYE grants are back in 2024. Here's how you can apply – applications close 20 June.

Futures blog

Introducing 10 FFYE grants for 2023

By Kathy Egea,

Explore an exciting series of projects that make up this year's round of FFYE grants.

Futures blog

How to apply for an FFYE grant

By Kathy Egea,

Connect with first-year curriculum principles and a new student experience framework in your application for an FFYE grant.

Futures blog

Enabling impact through the Social Impact Grants: closes 24 June

By Rachel Bertram,

The 2019 round of Social Impact Grants are now open. Part of a wider capacity building initiative out of the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion, these grants enable socially impactful research and practice.

Futures blog

2019 First and Further Year Experience Grants

By Kathy Egea,

Are you a subject coordinator keen to support student transition into or through the curriculum or prepare them for transition to future learning and careers? Please read on...

Futures blog

Apply now for a 2018 VC’s Learning and Teaching grant

By Jo McKenzie,

Here's how to apply for an LX micro grant or small project grant

Futures blog

learning.futures LX design grants: next round open

By Jo McKenzie,

Last Friday, eight academics successfully pitched their ideas for making the learner experience in their subjects more active and collaborative. They now have some funding to realise their ideas. Would you like to join them? It's not too late.

Futures blog

My Video Grant

By Jackie Jones,

I was delighted when I got the news that my application for the Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching grant was approved.

Futures blog

learning.futures learner experience design grants: apply now

By Jo McKenzie,

Like to design more active and collaborative learning experiences? Read on to find out how to gain funding to help...

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