Standardised submissions: how will changes to deadlines and extensions impact your Canvas subjects?
Information for Subject Coordinators on what standardised assessment deadlines and late penalties will mean for their Canvas sites.
Information for Subject Coordinators on what standardised assessment deadlines and late penalties will mean for their Canvas sites.
There's no escaping GenAI, so check your students know the do's and dont's for using it in assessment tasks with this table.
Summertime is the time to set yourself up for a successful Autumn session – here's our essential guide to getting started.
Jaime Garcia Marin takes us through the fantastic roster of gaming events at this year's Tech Fest.
Christina Brauer reflects on a workshop designed to tackle our emotional responses to climate change, and how to re-build agency.
Slides produced by the UTS Working Group on the Voice to Parliament are now available for optional inclusion in your classes.
On what motivates us to share educational resources with our communities.
The story of a curriculum framework that started with a QAAC and ended with a CALF.
Are you a pedagogical pace-setter, or leisurely learning guide? Enjoy 5 takes on time from our pecha kucha presenters.
Explore your shades of green and the viewpoints that shape our commitment to the planet with the Sustainability Worldview Quiz.
Share your experience of working with digital tools as an academic at UTS.
Find out what you can do with Canvas Calendar at our upcoming Tooltime session.
Sarah Kinkel Miller shares some of the innovative research happening in UTS research to address the SDGs.