

Futures blog

Freedom to learn: de-grading formal assessment

By Katherina Petrou,

Why do we grade, and what happens when we don't? Katherina Petrou shares what she and her students learned by 'de-grading'

Futures blog

OMG it’s ChatGPT: how you could adapt your assessments

By Ann Wilson,

Getting to know ChatGPT? Here are some ideas and inspiration to help you re-think your assessments with AI in mind.

Futures blog

Faculty of Health: Future of Assessment Showcase

By Sylvia Singh,

A recap of presentations from the Faculty of Heath's Assessment showcase.

Futures blog

Enrol now for Feedback and Assessment

By Alisa Percy,

Explore, review and potentially redesign the feedback and assessment strategy in a subject of your choosing.

Futures blog

Find student marks fast with filters in Canvas Gradebook

By Phillip Tang,

Narrow down large cohorts to specific students and their marks with one simple switch.

Futures blog

The Architecture Crit: communication challenges 

By Emily Edwards,

Part 2 of the Architecture Crit series summarises four communication challenges that students can face when performing a crit.

Futures blog

Communicating in Architecture: the ‘Crit’ presentation

By Emily Edwards,

The first in a series of posts on architecture communication skills by Emily Edwards and Aurora Murphy, with contributions from Samantha Donnelly.

Futures blog

CRADLE Symposium 2021: Inclusion, equity, and access in assessment

By Education Portfolio,

Join researchers in assessment, inclusion and social justice at this year's CRADLE Symposium.

Futures blog

The value of peer review for students: part one

By Education Portfolio,

This is the first post in a two-part series about how students can benefit from using the peer review process for assessment.

Futures blog

Let’s call this ‘feed forward’

By Ann Wilson,

How do you launch assessment, and what do you need to communicate to set your students up for success?

Showing 21-30 of 63