

Futures blog

How to make videos more engaging: a chat with Professor Barbara Oakley

By Katie Duncan,

Following on from her recent workshop at the LX.lab, we talked to Professor Barbara Oakley about her research-informed strategies for effective videos in higher education, and how educators can make their videos more engaging.

Futures blog

3 FREE video editing programs AND how to use them!

By Matthew Vella,

It's easy to shoot a video on your mobile device - you know that! But did you know it's easy to edit as well?

Futures blog

Tooltime Tips: DIY video made easy!

By Matthew Vella,

In anticipation for our upcoming Tooltime workshop, DIY video for Learning and Teaching, here are 3 top tips to get you into the right mindset.

Futures blog

The video revolution in learning and teaching

By Jessica Tyrrell,

How can we best harness the unique properties of video to support student learning?

Futures blog

O Vimeo, Vimeo, wherefore art thou Vimeo | Part 4

By George Catsi,

Want to know which video streaming platform is right for you? Is it Kaltura, YouTube, Vimeo or Stream? Check out the bio below and let us know who has your heart!

Futures blog

Is Stream your soulmate? | Part 3

By David Herbert,

Want to know which video streaming platform is right for you? Is it Kaltura, YouTube, Vimeo or Stream? Check out the bio below and register for our upcoming event to find your perfect video match.

Futures blog

Does Kaltura hold your heart? | Part 2

By Phil Betts,

With its video quizzes and privacy functions, Kaltura might be the perfect platform for you. Take a look at the Kaltura bio and register here for our upcoming event, 'Find your perfect video streaming platform match'.

Futures blog

Is YouTube your perfect match? | Part 1

By Amanda White,

YouTube has captured the hearts of many people around the world, but has it captured yours? Read our YouTube bio and register here for our upcoming event, 'Find your perfect video streaming platform match'.

Futures blog

Create video quizzes from your own videos OR from YouTube!

By Phil Betts,

Did you know you can create video quizzes with Kaltura, UTS’s new video streaming service built into UTSOnline (Blackboard) and Canvas?

Futures blog

A quick guide to filming with mobile devices

By Matthew Vella,

Can't get to the tech showcase at the Casual Academics Conference? No problem, we've got you covered...

Showing 21-30 of 50