Standardised submissions: how will changes to deadlines and extensions impact your Canvas subjects?
Information for Subject Coordinators on what standardised assessment deadlines and late penalties will mean for their Canvas sites.
Information for Subject Coordinators on what standardised assessment deadlines and late penalties will mean for their Canvas sites.
There's no escaping GenAI, so check your students know the do's and dont's for using it in assessment tasks with this table.
Summertime is the time to set yourself up for a successful Autumn session – here's our essential guide to getting started.
Learning Genetic Counselling skills in a fast-paced, interactive environment? No sweat!
Students are guided on their use of AI in job searching, recruitment and the career space in a suite of resources from UTS Careers.
Mais Fatayer uncovers the latest OER developments down under via 3 ASCILITE presentations.
Anna Stack, Amanda White, Keith Heggart, Amelia Di Paolo and Mais Fatayer share highlights from the ASCILITE conference.
Register for a professional development workshop on Indigenous cultural capability and developing culturally space practices.
Choose to give or take in an evolving new space for interactive open education resources.
Is the most-viewed blog post written in 2023 about Generative AI? Okay, which one is it then?
Multimedia presentations in Law and updated resource collections for the LX site, plus a demo of Adobe Premiere Pro.
Three important tips for including students who may not be able to speak up in class.
Health academics explored practical applications for generative AI tools in a hands-on workshop to wrap up the year.