online learning


Futures blog

From the frontline: how academics are coping with Covid-19

By Kathryn Ayrton,

While it may feel as though we’re learning to fly the plane whilst in the air, students are grateful and showing up. And so must we.

Futures blog

Event recap: engaging your students using Microsoft Teams

By Education Portfolio,

If you missed our Microsoft Teams event, you can watch the stream here.

Futures blog

Are you Zoom ready?

By Education Portfolio,

Zoom video conferencing is a helpful teaching tool if students or staff are off campus - read our basic guide to this UTS video conferencing platform.

Futures blog

Chinese learners’ experiences of Western online education

By Richard Ingold,

How do we ensure that students accessing online materials can still have a fulfilling learning experience?

Futures blog

Making internships engaging for students: a case study in ‘lean forward’ learning

By Simon Jaeger,

With UTS's ambitious goal of every student completing an internship or internship-like experience, engaging students can be challenging. Having recently returned from presenting at a video experience conference in New Orleans, UTS Careers’ Simon Jaeger talks about his creative use of ‘lean forward’ tactics to get important messages to...

Futures blog

In a nutshell: Community of Inquiry for online subjects

By David Yeats,

Check out a threefold model that simplifies educational experience into three broad areas: Teaching Presence, Cognitive Presence and Social Presence.

Futures blog

Dynamic Online Learning: The Zoom Classroom

By Alison McEwen,

Discover how a new Master of Genetic Counselling program was delivered primarily in an online environment by using Zoom as a face-to-face, online classroom.

Futures blog

How to make your subject more accessible

By Intan Endah-Bonsu,

At UTS we pride ourselves in setting a high standard for inclusivity so that students are provided with the best access to education as possible. In this post, I will go through how you can use the in-built features of Canvas to easily make your subject content more accessible...

Futures blog

How do you make your online discussions more engaging?

By Ann Wilson,

Discussions are a great way of sharing understanding and building and constructing knowledge. But how does this work in the online environment?

Futures blog will soon become LinkedIn Learning

By Jemima McDonald, has been used across the campus by academics and professional staff for over four years now. It has become an indispensable tool for many, supporting the learning.futures strategy as well as the training needs of all staff.

Showing 31-40 of 45