work-integrated learning


Futures blog

Supporting students in their WIL: a guide for external partners and supervisors

By Dimity Wehr,

Simple hacks to improve your supervision of students in their Work Integrated Learning experience.

Futures blog

Good WIL hunting: a new hub dedicated to Work Integrated Learning

By Franziska Trede,

The hunt is over – you can now find all the WIL resources you need in the one spot.

Futures blog

Moving on up: experiences and advice from 3 learning design graduates

By Anna Stack,

Anisha, Jess and Alanna tell us what insights they are taking to their current workplace and offer advice for future learning design graduates.

Futures blog

Preparing Genetic Counsellors for work with authentic online experiences

By Alison McEwen,

Find out how placements, simulation workshops and networking in the Master of Genetic Counselling transitioned to authentic online experiences.

Futures blog

Professor Tracy Levett-Jones on belonging and WIL in nursing

By Rhiannon Hall,

Professor Tracy Levett-Jones takes us through how work-integrated learning happens in nursing, ahead of her presentation at the FFYE Forum.

Futures blog

External partnerships: foundations for quality WIL practices

By Franziska Trede,

What makes our external partnerships distinctive, and how can we improve? Explore some external perspectives from the recent WIL Symposium.

Futures blog

Work integrated learning – the final Hot Topic for 2021

By Franziska Trede,

How do we prepare our students for learning in professional settings, and prepare our external partners to mentor our students?

Futures blog

Real world experience: 3 interns hone their learning design skills with PGLD

By John Vulic,

UTS interns work with the PGLD team to develop interactives, branching scenarios and an analytics dataset.

Futures blog

Bend and flex: the pivot to Telepractice in Sport and Exercise Science

By Sharon Coutts,

When face-to-face SES placements were hit by COVID-19 restrictions, we flexed some creative muscle to move to an online Telepractice Clinic model.

Futures blog

Introducing TACT – and our hot topics program for 2021!

By Franziska Trede,

Join us for events, discussions and deep dives into four hot teaching and curriculum topics for 2021!

Showing 11-20 of 22