
Latest articles

How do we know if feedback is working?

By Simon Knight,

Feedback: is it working, and how can we get it right at scale?

A chat with Social Impact Award winner Dr Jane Hunter

By Rhiannon Hall,

The winner of the UTS Social Impact award talks to us about her practice in training pre-service teachers.

Who to contact for support during session

By Futures Team,

We're heading straight into Autumn session, and you might be wondering where to go for help. Here's your list of essential contacts.

How our grades submission workshops can make your life easier

By Shegufa Zahedi,

In the next couple of weeks we'll be running through the essentials of grade submission at the LX.lab. Here's why you need to sign up!

A chat with Individual Teaching Award winner Dr Cathy Gorrie

By Rhiannon Hall,

On her award, tricks and tips, changes and challenges in teaching and more...

Teaching for learning.futures is back in 2019

By Jan McLean,

Would you like to ‘blend’ your subject but are not sure how to go about it? Are you new to teaching at UTS and need help aligning your subject with learning.futures?

Making learning accessible for Autumn session

By Futures Team,

Start thinking about accessibility for your subjects with these UTS resources.

Set up your assessments in a flash with these 8 workshops

By Olivia Rajit,

Need a refresher with our online assessment tools? Book in for one (or more) of our assessment workshops in March.

Build a sense of belonging and help students feel at home in your subject

By Rhiannon Hall,

There are many moving parts to student engagement, but an important one to remember is developing a sense of belonging for your students. Here are four resources to get started.

Getting started with teaching for Autumn session

By Futures Team,

We’re almost back in session, and that means the flurry of activities to get subjects up and running for new and returning students has begun. If you’re wondering where to start, check out these tips from our Learning Design and Technology Specialists.

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