
Latest articles

Lessons learned during COVID-19: stories from Pernille Christensen and Sara Wilkinson

By Mais Fatayer,

A series stemming from a recent learning design meet-up focuses on challenges and approaches faced by academics this year.

Set yourself apart with custom Zoom virtual backgrounds

By Anthony Burke,

Need a UTS-branded Zoom background to hide your unmade bed? Or perhaps you want to live your sci-fi fantasy on board the TARDIS?

Lessons learned during COVID-19: stories from Atieh Fallahi and Donna Rooney

By Mais Fatayer,

A new series of blogs stemming from a recent learning design meet-up focuses on challenges and approaches faced by academics this year.

Tooltime recap: Using Google Jamboard and Padlet for online student collaborative activities

By Michael Chan,

How do we engage students in the online learning environment? This Tooltime recap offers two tools that can help.

Register for this year’s online CanvasCon – one month to go!

By Chris Girdler,

This year's Canvas community event will be a digital experience that you can tune in to from the comfort of your own home.

Checking in on R U OK? Day

By Arif Ongu,

September 10 is R U OK? Day. On this day, we are encouraged to check in on the psychological wellbeing of those around us.

Increasing student engagement: Advice from Joseph Yeo

By Richard Ingold,

How can course content be framed and delivered to maximise student engagement and learning?

What type of exam should you consider for Spring 2020?

By Education Portfolio,

Follow our decision tree to discover what exam type works best for you, so you can submit an exam request with confidence.

Computer created closed captions are coming to C… errr… Kaltura

By Phil Betts,

From Thursday 10th September, all media uploaded to Kaltura will receive automatic captions.

Sustain and Maintain: a guide to living and teaching sustainably at UTS

By Kathryn Ayrton,

A guide to maintaining good sustainability teaching practices on campus and remotely through COVID-19 and beyond.

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